More Information Product Details
Synonyms 2,7-Dichlorofluorescein diacetate; Diacetyldichlorofluorescein |
Product Type Chemical |
Formula C24H14Cl2O7 |
MW 485.27 |
CAS 2044-85-1 |
Source/Host Chemicals Synthetic. |
Purity Chemicals ≥95% (HPLC) |
Appearance White powder. |
Solubility Soluble in DMSO or acetone. |
Identity Determined by NMR. |
Declaration Manufactured by Chemodex. |
Other Product Data Click here for Original Manufacturer Product DatasheetOur product description may differ slightly from the original manufacturers product datasheet. |
Shipping and Handling
Shipping AMBIENT |
Short Term Storage +20°C |
Long Term Storage +4°C |
Handling Advice Keep cool and dry.Protect from light and moisture. |
Use/Stability Stable for at least 2 years after receipt when stored at +4°C. |
Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF |
A cell-permeable fluorogenic dye useful for the detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) and for the determination of the degree of overall oxidative stress. The fluorescence of DCFDA indicates oxidation by hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrite or hydroxyl radical. Superoxide anions can also contribute to DCFDA oxidation albeit at a lesser degree. It measures hydroxyl, peroxyl and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) activity within the cell. After diffusion in to the cell, DCFDA is deacetylated by cellular esterases to a non-fluorescent compound, which is later oxidized by ROS into the highly fluorescent 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein (DCF). Spectral data: λex=504nm, λem=524nm in 0.1 M Tris pH 8.0 (esterase).Product References(1) A.R. Rosenkranz, et al.; J. Immunol. Meth. 156, 39 (1992) | (2) T. Takanashi, et al.; Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 38, 2721 (1997) | (3) E. Eruslanov & S. Kusmartsev; Methods Mol. Biol. 594, 57 (2010)